A roof inspection is an important part of maintaining and protecting your home from the elements. While you may be able to visually inspect the exterior of your roof for damage, having a professional inspection completed is always the best route.

The reason is that your roof is one of the most important components of your home, and if it’s damaged, bigger problems can arise. Keep reading as we discuss how often you should schedule an inspection to ensure your roof is in good condition.

When Should You Have a Roof Inspection?

roof inspection

In general, you should have a roof inspection done by a professional after every severe weather event like a hail storm, wind storm, or tornado. Storm damage can not only cause immediate damage but can also weaken the roof over time and lead to more complex issues.

In addition, it can be difficult for a homeowner to see that there is damage to their roof. A professional inspector can identify whether or not there is any storm damage and provide recommendations for repair or replacement, if necessary.

If you haven’t experienced a severe weather event recently, then it’s recommended that you have a roof inspection done every five years. This will help ensure that your roof stays in good condition and weathers properly.

However, it is also up to you as a homeowner if you want to have a roof inspection done more often. The age of your roof should also be taken into consideration, and inspections may need to be performed more frequently if the roof is older and more susceptible to damage.

Getting an Professional Roofing Inspection After a Storm

In Minnesota, there are a variety of storms that can cause damage to your roof, including hail storms, wind storms, and snow storms. It’s best to get a roof inspection as soon as possible after a storm to determine if there is any damage that needs to be repaired.

While you may be tempted to wait on getting an inspection, it’s important to remember that waiting too long can lead to more serious issues and expensive repairs. It’s better to be safe than sorry and get your roof inspected sooner rather than later.

However, it’s not only the roof you should have inspected. There is a chance that your windows, siding, and other exterior components were damaged as well.

Companies like Perfect Exteriors not only specialize in roofing, but they can also inspect other components of your home that may have been damaged in a storm.

How Much Is a Professional Roofing Inspection?

There are several factors that determine the cost of a roof inspection, such as the size of your home, the type of roof material, and the company doing the inspection. Not to mention the area you live in can influence the cost as well.

On average, you can expect to pay $200 for a general roof inspection. However, if you reach out to companies like Perfect Exteriors, you can get a roof inspection for free.

Our team of certified roof specialists will come to your home to evaluate your roof, determine if there is any damage, and recommend the best course of action for repair or replacement. In some cases, you may not need any repairs or replacements, but it’s always best to get an inspection just in case. Plus, with our free roof inspections, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

In case your roof does need replacement or repairs, our team can provide you with an accurate no-obligation estimate and work with you to get the job done right.

Getting a Roof Inspection for Your Home

roof inspection minnesota

Life happens, and after a severe storm, it’s important to get a roof inspection as soon as possible. This will help ensure that your roof is in good condition and can protect your home from the elements. If there aren’t any severe storms, then you should at least get your roof inspected every five years. Always hire a professional roofing specialist to get an accurate evaluation and reliable results.

Contact Perfect Exteriors today for a free, no-obligation roof inspection, and let us help you keep your home safe and secure.